Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The BIG Apple...

Hopefully in a few months the Hill family will be walking across that cross walk! Look Dad, they even have Cocacola there!
For the past 4 months, our family has been participating in a 'Wellness Challenge'. We each picked a goal that would help us become a little healthier and committed to do it for 3 months (with 1 month extension for the slackers). The catch to this challenge is that whoever met their goal at the end gets to go on an all expensed trip to NY courtesy of the best parents in the world! Anyway, this challenge is ending on Saturday and I am pretty excited about it! More excited to go to NY since I've never been. My mom once told me I was a deprived child, I'll never let her forget that she said that! I guess Kassie was too! We will stand together as the deprived children in the Hill family! YEA for the Wellness Challenge being over soon and an even bigger YEA to NYC!

1 comment:

Allison said...

We have a restaurant that you MUST eat at while in the big Apple... Call me for the 411.